Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 10, 2011

CityVille Governor's Run Act 2 Nature Goals: Everything you need to know

If you've been keeping up with the governor's election in CityVille, you'll now be ready for Act 2 to begin. After helping "the people" in Act 1, Act 2 sees you helping out special interest groups, starting with a nature-loving group led by Zookeeper Karen. If you don't want Captain Krunsch to earn Karen's vote (and those of her friends), you'll need to finish the following three goals.

When Nature Calls

    * Place Conservatory
    * Collect from Conservatory four times

The Conservatory is a new Community Building that requires 12 staff members to operate. Once you build the base, you'll need to ask 12 friends to come staff the building, at which point you'll gain a bonus of 3,750 citizens to your maximum population cap. Just collect its profits four times after it's built to finish this first goal. You'll receive eight energy when doing so.

Food For Thought

    * Ask friends for 6 Gardening Gloves
    * Water Rose Garden 5 Times
    * Harvest 80 Cranberries

You can have more than one Rose Garden in your city, so feel free to place multiples just so you don't have to wait for the same Garden to be ready five times in a row (a time-consuming process, to say the least). As for the Cranberries, these take 12 hours to grow. Finish this goal and you'll earn 840 Goods.

More Power To You

    * Ask friends for 12 Recyclable Bags
    * Collect from Produce Paradise 30 Times
    * Collect from City Works 6 Times

The City Works is another Community Building that you might already have in your town. If not, here's a guide to building one. As for the Produce Paradise, this is a Business that's available from the store. It requires 253 Goods to operate and gives you 1,413 coins in profit by default. To more quickly finish this particular step (since 30 times is a long time to wait), make sure that the Produce Paradise is the only business operating in your town so that all customers will come to it, allowing it to sell out much more quickly than normal. Finishing this third goal gives you the EV Charging Station, a business that requires 475 Goods to operate and produces 2,393 coins.

Since this is just the first part of the second act of the Governor's Run event in CityVille, once you finish two more sets you'll receive an additional item: the Capital Rotunda building. What's more, you don't have to complete the entirety of Act 1 in order to access these Act 2 goals either, and can have them all running simultaneously in your town - talk about multi-tasking! We'll make sure to let you know when additional political goals launch in the game, so keep checking back with us!

What do you think of these Nature goals? Are you enjoying the Governor's Run event so far? Sound off in the comments.

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