Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 10, 2011

360 vs: PS3 (a tongue-firmly-in-cheek matchup)

Has anyone noticed the flood of anti 360/Microsoft articles of late? Is this the PS3 troll-brigade playing damage control due to the popularity of Kinect? Or, is the Xbox 360 a truly abysmal console? Find out in this unbiased, facts-only, head-to-head match-up between the PS3 and 360. Which console is the overall best buy? Will it be the 360 with it's shooters and new-found trendy gadget Kinect? Or will it be the PS3 with it's free online and strong exclusive lineup? Read ahead to find out!


I want to start off by saying that I own a PS3, a 360, a Wii, a Mac, and a PC. I haved owned a large variety of gaming consoles over the years dating back to the Commodore 64 and the Atari. Thus, I hope that you will trust that this is very much an unbiased comparison (unlike many other comparison writers that obviously have a bias when writing a similar review).


As we all know, Microsoft kidnaps babies from third world countries and eats them. They come down a conveyor belt and go right into the mouth of Xbox developers. They are crunchy like potato chips. Bill Gates is laughing at you as he swims in your money earned through your blood, sweat and tears.

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