Capcom has wasted no time getting its hands in mobile and social gaming, and now the developer brings the all-too-familiar grunts and groans of Resident Evil to social games. VG Chartz reports that Capcom will launch Resident Evil: Outbreak survive on GREE, one of Japan's most popular social gaming networks, this coming June. According to VG Chartz, the game will release on Japanese smartphones and task players with collaborating together to, you know, survive.
More specifically, survivors must share weapons, ammo and healing items as they complete missions together. Considering Resident Evil's immense popularity in the states as well, we're hopeful Capcom will smarten up and unleash this plague on the US. Only the best of plagues, of course: games.
[Image Credit: Capcom]
Would you play a Resident Evil game on Facebook? What if it were a Facebook Connected iPhone game
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